Pwn College

Level 3

We are given with a task to Exploit an authentication bypass vulnerability🔓

As always we are given with an machine and source code of the application.

def level3():
    db.execute(("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users AS "
                'SELECT "flag" AS username, ? as password'),
    if request.method == "POST":
        username = request.form.get("username")
        password = request.form.get("password")
        assert username, "Missing `username` form"
        assert password, "Missing `password` form"
        user = db.execute(f"SELECT rowid, * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?", (username, password)).fetchone()
        assert user, "Invalid `username` or `password`"
        return redirect(request.path, user=int(user["rowid"]))
    if "user" in request.args:
        user_id = int(request.args["user"])
        user = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE rowid = ?", (user_id,)).fetchone()
        if user:
            username = user["username"]
            if username == "flag":
                return f"{flag}\n"
            return f"Hello, {username}!\n"
    return form(["username", "password"])

So, we can see that the application is using database and we can see that the username and password are passed as POST parameters. It checks the given username and password if user doesnt exists it asserts the error and if user exists it redirects to the same page with user parameter in the url.

So, we can see that the user parameter is not sanitized and we can use this to bypass the authentication. we can pass integer values directly into the user parameter and it will return the username of the user with that id.

lets try to pass user=1 in the url and we get the username of the user with id 1.

hacker@web-security-level-3:~$ curl http://challenge.localhost/?user=1{cmVL1XdbMpOFvsi5Xc3_sR9xEZ9.dlDOzMDL0IzMyMzW}

It reveals the flag 🚩.